
The Client is the player's program. It connects to the server, creates/joins a game instance and displays the game.

How it work ?

The customer section is divided into 3 parts: - Game display - Managing connections/communication with the server - Parser

Game display

Folder: src/client and src/client/SFML Important Files: Game, IDisplay, DisplaySFML, IEntity, EntitySFML, RessourcesManager, Login, Menu

The SFML lib is used to display the game. There is a IDisplay class and a child class named DisplaySFML that handle all the fucntion for displaying the game If you want to add another graphic lib you can create a new Display class that inherit from IDsiplay. It's the same thing for the entities handling, there is a IEntity class and a EntitySFML class to create and manage game entities. So you have to create a new Entity class if you add a new graphic lib. We can aslo use the SDL lib and for that all the class named with SFML are existing with SDL.

The main loop is handle by the function. All the entities are display in the draw function of the DisplaySFML class. The event actions are manage in the handleEvent() function in the Display class. this function return a string corresponding to the event like this.

if (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
            std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - _lastFrameTime)
            .count() > 10) {
        _lastFrameTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Left))
        if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Right))
        if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Up))
        if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Down))
        if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Space))
        if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::S))

and in the Game class the function getEvent is doing a action for each event like this

std::vector<std::string> events = _display->getEvents();
    Event evt;
    std::string playerId = "p" + std::to_string(_playerId);
    for (auto event : events) {
        if (event == "close")
        if (event == "r")
            evt.ACTION_NAME = ACTION::FLIP;
        if (event == "left")
            evt.ACTION_NAME = ACTION::LEFT;
        if (event == "right")
            evt.ACTION_NAME = ACTION::RIGHT;
        if (event == "up")
            evt.ACTION_NAME = ACTION::UP;
        if (event == "down")
            evt.ACTION_NAME = ACTION::DOWN;
        if (event == "space")
            evt.ACTION_NAME = ACTION::SPACE;
        if (event == "s")
            evt.ACTION_NAME = ACTION::KEY_S;
        evt.body = playerId;

So if you want to add action and event you have to modify this 2 functions.

It retrieves the information sent by the parser and creates a map of class IEntity. This map contains all the Sprites and their Id to be displayed during the game. The client receive a tuple<int, EntityInfos> of the Parser and with this tuple the DisplaySFML create the entity and stock here in a map. If the entity exists, the client only modifies its coordinates or is state using those of the entity passed in the tuple, otherwise it creates a new entity and stores it in the map.

When the Entity is create, we use a RessourceManager class who is loading all the texture using in SFML at the start of the program for reducing the lag of the game.

Managing connexion/communication

Folder: src/client Important Files: TCPClient, UDPClient, ThreadPool

In the Game class, the communication with the Server is handle. All commands are converted to binary and sent to the UDP Server. Commands are sent when the player performs an action. The commands received correspond to the display of all entities present in the game. All their information (position, status, etc.) is continuously sent to the client.


Folder: src/client Important File: Parser

The parser retrieves the command sent by the server and creates the Entities according to the information received. The Entities created are sent to the Game class and added to the map.

You have to use the Parser.parseMessage() function that take a string in argument. The string is the command translate from the binary send by the server. We use a protocol: - ecreate id pos.x pos.y path rotaion scale.x scale.y configPath objectType > this command call the Paser.addEntity() function who is creating a new Entity and send it to the Client - emove id newPos.x newPos.y > this command call the Parser.moveEntity() function whos is modifying the position of an Entity - dead id > this command inform the Client that the Entity is dead All the command return a tuple<int, Entity> with the new Entity and here ID

Arguments of protocol

  • id (int) : It's the id of the entity
  • pos.x (float) and pos.y (float) : It's the position X and the position Y of the Entity at the start
  • path (string) : It's the path for loading the texture of the Entity sprite
  • rotation (int) : It's the angle of sprite's rotation, 0 by default
  • scale.x (float) and scale.y (float) : It's the scale number for the sprite, 1 by default
  • configPath (string) : It's the path for the config file for setting the animation of each Entity
  • objectType (string) : It's the type of the Entity use in the configFile